Tuesday, December 30

2014 Year-in Review

2014, what an extraordinary year. The year has been literally a roller coaster, climbing to the climax in the middle of the year and rushed deep down towards the end of the year. Thanks to everything I faced, everyone I met, and every decision I made and thanks to my strong heart for surviving this year. 2014 might not be be easiest year I've been through, but it's definitely the most meaningful year I've had so far. It's the 1st year after my 20th birthday and it's there were so many first experiences I had this year. I am more than grateful to spend these moment with these special people. So, I shall dedicate this post to thank these people for these memorable moments.


1st internship: The healthiest 3 months I've had in my life: daily workout and free scrumptious staff meal, the only cost is waking up at 5 daily to commute. =/
Last day of internship. oh, the happy faces.. =DDD


1st year celebrating CNY with only my family (and no reunion dinner for me T.T): Spent the new year at a different country, though we chose a wrong place but the time spent together with my family was priceless.
Happy Chinese New Year! but first let us take a selfie

1st rock climbing experience: It was random, but a nice experience! and I brought back a scar on my calf as a souvenir.


1st concert: No words to describe. It will always have a special place in my heart.
Sodagreen Walk Together 2014 last station: Kuala Lumpur! <3 nbsp="" p="">


1st project with an industry partner: Simplyd Pasta Project! You know well enough what this is if you've been following me. =) One of the best experiences of the year.


21st!! From pre-birthday to not-so-surprise birthday celebration to the biggest surprise at night, I am grateful to have all of you. =''] oh, thanks for the very belated birthday gift too! xoxo

Larger surprise than the actual birthday surprise. Thanks chefs for the great night!

Actual day! You guys need to go for acting class, I'm serious. but again, thanks guys! xoxo muacks muacks
p/s where were you Ms Chong?

aww, another pleasant surprise. Thanks Blue for the honey stars, how thoughtful are you. <3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">

From my dearest family even though they were across the sea. Thanks Uncle Jimmy for being the messenger!

Another thoughtful gift from my bestie! Hanli and Meiling, when can we meet? 


1st oversea stay for more than a week: Highlight of the year, summer in Korea! Countless of first encounter during my three weeks there: food, people, places...... Happiest time of the year, right, waiting alone for the bus under the typhoon and clothes being burnt by the drier totally count. =X


1st class trip: It finally happened in semester 5! It felt so warm to spend my mid-autumn with my second family.


1st broken phone: my precious phone.. T.T
bam! and so the bad luck streak began....
1st cross-border trip by train: Yet another thrilling experience when your trip started with you almost missing the flight. Yeap, luckily we made it and had a blast. 
Bye Thailand, hi Malaysia!


1st 'broken bone': Never in my life had I encountered any medical problems nor serious injuries. It sure hit me hard when I got to know I am now suffering from spondylosis. Yes, even sneezing is a luxury to me now..
Ouch! it really hurts when I bend down.. =( Source: healthdrip.com


1st breakdown/showdown with the class: The air pressure in the class was getting really really low, I could hardly breathe anymore. Sometimes, nothing happen doesn't mean there's no problem. Maybe I was too sensitive but it had affected me for a few days until the emotions finally settled in. Anyway, I still treasure you guys and I hope this incident could bring us more united as a class. Cheers!
I love you, you love me, we are happy BS3
2014 was indeed the most happening year I've had. Went through the best and the worst in a year, it did trigger a huge growth in me. Looking back, the good memories still outnumbered the bad ones. That said, I shall move on, ready to create more memorable stories and not let the bad memories haunt me. 

I know it doesn't sound like me but I really want to take this chance to thank all of you who walk me through my hardships. Daddy, mummy, and Cherry who came in relay when I was at the verge of breaking down. My other family members who worried for me when I encountered those problems. Dr Chong, for being my mentor and motivation to keep going. Team ACE for always standing by me and BS3 for the happy and tense moment we've been through as a class. GPS for being a great travelling buddy. Hanli, Meiling, Xinyu and others, thank you for being my friend and sorry for not keeping in touch with you guys, I'm a bad friend. >< To the friends I met in Korea, you guys are great and I learnt so many new things from all of you. Finally, thank you my Culinology family for being so awesome. =) Let's strive for a better 2015! 



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