Wednesday, July 2

RL140624: It's finally ended...

OMG, what a haul we've been through, and we're finally seeing the end! Together with our juniors, we presented our hardwork to the 'big bosses' last Tuesday. And wow, was it a thrilling experience with the last minute surprise. That aside, we managed to pull through and the big bosses were really satisfied with the outcome!

RL140624: The D-day! (pun intended ;))
7.50am, I reached R&D kitchen well-prepared and full-spirited for the presentation in the noon. We've paid so much effort for this to come true, so I promised myself to go all-out and nail the presentation later. Although the rehearsal the day before was very messy as I was not really familiar with our new slides. Anyway, as I was getting ready, Helen came into the locker room and greeted me with her ever sexy and husky voice. Gosh, she lost her voice! of all time but this uber important day! If it were the usual me, I would be all panic and anxious. I didn't know where did I gain the confidence but I was not at all worried about the situation, and was positive that Helen can get her voice back by the afternoon. However, for 'insurance' I got Wilbert and Eugene to prepare for the presentation too. *fingers crossed*

The production that day went on smoothly. As we prepared the Asian paste and condiments before hand, we had ample of time left for the opor and rendang. We even had time to cook our 'staff meal'! 

My new creation- salted vege duck soup without salted vege.. Tastes superb!
Oh, so back to the project, BS4 joined us later of the day to get their dishes ready. We started around 1.40pm, when our industry partners arrived. We had our dean and the coordinator of this project together with us that day as the food tasting panels. Group 1 went first. Our guests were awed by their concept of pasembor pasta, and also liked their dry curry pasta. Coming up next was the presentation by BS4, and then group 2. We were the last group presenting. The best fish swims at the bottom heh? Just kidding

Okay, so the presentation was a long one, our guests were very meticulous I'd say. They paid attention to every single detail, thinking from different perspectives,  the feasibility of the production at central kitchen, reheating the food and serving at the outlet. I was amazed by their patience as they have been through so many dishes before, but could still manage to critically taste our food. 

Me and Helen presenting our dish...

According to their feedback, the opor chicken (now named as creamy turmeric chicken pasta) tasted like ayam percik, which I have no idea what was it at all. LOL! It did not caught their attention anyway. But the response for our Rendang received a very welcoming once again! Yay to that! Surprisingly, they liked my Asian pasta as well. Haha, it was something unexpected, but strangely acceptable and addicting. 

So, there you go, we ended the session after our presentation. They were really satisfied with our performance, and said that they will feature some of our dishes on their menu! That's cool, imagining people ordering the dish I created in a commercial outlet. That's really gratifying! =) 

Group photo time! Say cheese =D

Oh ya, I wasn't sure if it's appropriate to disclose the restaurant before, but since they're operating now, I felt like giving a heads up to all of you! Simplyd by The Delicious Group is now open at nuSentral. Please support them as a form of support to us too! =D Like their facebook for more info and promotions!


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