Friday, March 14

Revival of the long abandoned blog

So yeah, here am I, after a 2-year 4-year lapse (*gasps* where have the time gone!), I'm back to Blogger. I was tidying up my G+ profile when I recalled the existence of this blog. Oh the nostalgia revisiting this blog brings me.. I could still remember how reluctant was I back then when my English teacher 'forced' us to keep this English blog as a journal, hence the pathetic 3 posts below which I was forced to write, LOLs! Yeah, it does seem pathetic, doesn't it? Haha, anyway, I decided to pick up blogging again (this time truly on my own will *wink*). I'll be sharing my thoughts on things I found interesting, though I can foresee myself ranting about the most random thing or swooning over that hot k-drama villain here in this blog. LOL! So hope you enjoy reading my blog and hopefully this time I could make it a habit to constantly blog..
