Tuesday, February 2

My First "Blogging" Experience..

Finally, for the first time, i have my own blog (though I was not so happy about it.. haha!). I never expected that I would have my own blog because I have always been lazy to manage these things and I am not the kind who likes to share. That's why I was very reluctant when my English teacher asked us to create our own blog. My teacher had considered that some of us may not have Internet connection at home. So, she brought us to the computer lab to create our blog. I appreciate her effort because if not, I might have just ignored her instructions. However, the Internet connection at school was so slow that I almost gave up! We also had to share the computers because there are limited computers. This had caused total chaos in the computer lab as we kept running around the lab to look for the computer with a better connection. However, everybody managed to create their blog at the end of the period. What a memorable experience...


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